Children Explain the Bible

Laughter is Good for the Heart Every parent, pastor, and children’s Bible teacher knows to expect the unexpected when kids answer questions. You can just imagine how people responded as children gave the following ‘insights’ on Biblical matters....

Speaker or Communicator?

A Lesson by the Master Communicator Is that me? No. But the story and the principles for communicating it are amazing! You are aware of a famous message given by the Master Communicator. How that message was communicated is almost as instructive as the message itself....

How to Guarantee Problems!

Need an indispensable life hack? This Life Lessons post should be just that! Ever get frustrated by problems? Does is seem like they just won’t go away? And how do you feel when you have your own problems and go to church and find more problems finden sie hier?...

Laughter: There’s A What???

Laughter is Good for the Heart Have you ever gotten your tang toungled? Everyone who speaks to a group has had that slip-up. Sometimes it happens when one tries to correct something. The perceived error wasn’t nearly as bad as the correction was funny! I know....