by Keith Burnett | May 16, 2022 | Life Lessons |
Those who know Your name put their trust in You! (Psalms 9:10) This Life Lessons post flows from that incredible truth. It is ample reason to spend some time learning God’s names. But there are others. If you are enlightened, encouraged, or equipped by my...
by Keith Burnett | May 15, 2022 | Life Lessons |
What names have you given God? Why would I ask the question? In concluding the series Faith: Why Is It Difficult, I asked this question: What has God done to make it so easy? To answer that, we’ll have to wrestle with a question Jesus’ asked His first...
by Keith Burnett | Feb 15, 2022 | Life Lessons, Missions |
There are two sets of 10 Commandments in the Bible! Seriously. You’ll remember the ones that start with Thou shalt or Thou shalt not and maybe Cecil B. Demille’s reverberating ‘G-a-w-d’ voice. Regular readers may also remember we have taught...
by Keith Burnett | Feb 11, 2022 | Life Lessons, Prayer |
In various speaking engagements I am asked what we teach in EquipUs Pastor Training School. We have taught a course on spiritual formations. One of the topics in that course is the discipline of prayer. What follows is adapted from the syllabus we used. Many thanks to...
by Keith Burnett | Feb 9, 2022 | Life Lessons, Missions |
Lessons are all around us, in every season. My wife gets happier as the days grow longer and spring is almost here. I recently moved a water hose and yes, it had kinks in it. Ever squeeze the trigger on your spray nozzle and watch the water just drip out? Why? There...
by Keith Burnett | Feb 5, 2022 | Great Commission, Life Lessons
Rescue? Who Me? Click on the line and listen to Lauren Daigle – Rescue. Who needs a rescue? Who needs a rescuer? I don’t need a rescue but I will rescue someone else! Really? This blog is about Loving God and Loving People. We look at First Commandment...