A New Misison Opportunity

A New Misison Opportunity

A new mission opportunity is at hand! And every mission endeavor – new or not – requires support. Primarily, that means prayer. Secondarily, ministry requires funding. But let me share the most urgent prayer need as this opportunity is knocking on our...

Hands Needed

Help Find Help! This is a call for help. It’s probably not what you are thinking. Please give me a second to explain because you may know where to find the help we need! One of my favorite pictures of mission volunteers speaks volumes! Together, we can do what...

Love’s Prayer

The Prayer Love Makes When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, we know Jesus’ response as The Lord’s Prayer. Were they looking for a ‘formula’ in order to get prayer ‘right’ every time? Probably. Do we do the same...

Prayer: Practicing His Presence

In various speaking engagements I am asked what we teach in EquipUs Pastor Training School. We have taught a course on spiritual formations. One of the topics in that course is the discipline of prayer. What follows is adapted from the syllabus we used. Many thanks to...

Kinks and Links

Lessons are all around us, in every season. My wife gets happier as the days grow longer and spring is almost here. I recently moved a water hose and yes, it had kinks in it. Ever squeeze the trigger on your spray nozzle and watch the water just drip out? Why? There...