A New Misison Opportunity

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Blog Page | 0 comments

A new mission opportunity is at hand! And every mission endeavor – new or not – requires support. Primarily, that means prayer. Secondarily, ministry requires funding. But let me share the most urgent prayer need as this opportunity is knocking on our door.

Mission Opportunity – Franklin

Franklin and his wifeThe cover photo is a combination of two pictures. One image is a street scene from Colombia, South America. Our friend Franklin is in the other image. When I asked him to send me a picture, I had no idea he would send me a Mr. and Mrs. photo! But that was actually a good thing. Let me tell you why!

As I write, Franklin is en route from Santo Domingo (Dom. Republic) to Cali, Colombia. Franklin will translate our Pastor Training sessions on Friday (Dec. 9) and Saturday (12/10). In order to keep expenses to a minimum, I will be teaching from the EquipUs studio in Scottsboro.

I want to ask you pray for Franklin as he is traveling and playing a critical role in exploring this new ministry opportunity. And this is also my opening to ask you to also pray for his wife. So many of you remember to pray for my wife when I am away with a mission team and we appreciate those prayers so very much. We know what those prayers mean to us. And that makes it very easy to encourage all of you to pray for Franklin and the family he is leaving behind for a few days.

More Opportunities Ahead

Donation Link

Donation link for Helping Hands!

There are more open doors ahead. I’ll be sharing more about those next week. And even before those are detailed for you, please begin to pray. It’s all Kingdom work and prayer is required.

Another opportunity is to help with very real expenses of a new ministry. Our enemy has convinced some that it is somehow not spiritual to talk about dollars and resources. The truth of Scripture tells us that God’s work moves on the prayers of His people and funded by the resources He has entrusted to His people. So if you can, donations for this new opportunity would be helpful and greatly appreciated.

By early next week, Franklin will have returned home to the Dom. Republic. There will be some after action news and pictures to share. That will arrive in your inbox. Why? To give you the earliest news about how your prayers are being answered! EquipUs logo - Connections for Christians

Soli Deo Gloria! 


Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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