Holden: Counting Blessings

Holden: Counting Blessings

One of the great blessings of my life and ministry is the people I get to know, work with, and watch grow. The churches and pastors engaged in this ministry are blessings in their own unique ways. And it has been my joy to watch Holden experience some of those same...
Holden: An Update

Holden: An Update

Holden is doing well. And this update is an opportunity for several things. One of those is to thank you for responding to him in this space. He is keeping up and he sees your comments ir ao site. We BOTH thank you for that. And another item is to thank you for your...
English Class In Samana

English Class In Samana

The English class is going well. And I want to thank you for your continued prayers for Alex. He has done a great job of being flexible! And I know anyone and everyone who has been with me on mission will smile at that statement! Why? They all know the ‘Burnett...