Requisite Recognition

by | Feb 5, 2025 | Blog Page | 0 comments

Recognition might be a good thing or a bad thing. But is recogntion ever required? Could there be a time or setting in which it is inappropriate? Let’s see!

Recognition For Servants?

Let me invite you to put on your imagination cap. You have received an invitation for a formal reception. It’s a black tie affair with all the trappings. At this event you have the opportunity to mingle and chat with all the other guests. And Inevitably, someone with a tray approaches and what is on the tray looks appealing to you. The server may ask if you’d like something or you could make eye contact with them and then you’d have the opportunity to take something from the tray. What happens next?

Faceless server

Notice the missing face? Makes my point!

Let’s assume that you really like what you took from the tray. What do you do? You would properly thank and praise your hosts for the tasty hors d’ oeuvres and the courteous service. But it isn’t likely that you would track the server down and lavish your compliments on them. Why is that? The server had absolutely nothing to do with the choice or quality of items on the tray. The server was there for one purpose: To represent the host and serve the invited guests. Aside from doing that, or if they do it poorly, the server has no reason for being present. And this is the sequence of events we see in John 2 at the Wedding in Cana.

Impoper Recognition

Worshipers - Recognition

Worshipers – Recognition?

Now, let’s change our imaginary setting. You are in a worship service. It may be your church or it might be a Christian conference of some type where worshipers are gathered. As the worship event gets under way, someone comes to the microphone to tell you who the worship leader is and who will be preaching.

First, you are told great things await you in the next few minutes because Worship Leader (WL) can sing better than birds and angels. This person has been to the most prestigious schools for the arts and is a master musician. WL has led worship all over the world and the masses gather to worship when WL is there to lead. WL carries the Holy Spirit in his back pocket. At just the right moment in the worship service, WL will let Him out to inspire the worshipers a little more. (Please remember, good humor is rooted in reality!)


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Next, you hear about the Speaker or Preacher (SP). You hear much the same thing. The educational pedigree is astounding.  Huge crowds gather to hear SP expound the truth of the Gospel. SP is closer to God than anyone could possibly imagine and might be a good candidate for the fourth person of the Trinity. Are you impressed yet? Do you know my tongue is caught in my cheek? But sarcasm aside, the question has to be this:

How is it we can accurately see the role of servants in the social setting and lose that clear focus in the church/ministry setting? 

Recognition For Slaves? 

As usual, the point has to do with loving the Lord as we should. To love another is to seek their good. Love actively and intentionally pursues that which honors the object of its affection. Now, let me ask, How is Christ honored if I am exalted? The pathway to honoring Him is to intentionally diminish my own noticeable-ness. That was modeled for us by John the Baptist in John 3:27-30

He must increase, but I must decrease.

What’s an appropriate introduction for a person who wrote about half of the New Testament? How do you think such a person would want to be introduced? We don’t have to speculate. In Romans 1:1 He introduced himself and said in modern vernacular:

Hi! I’m Paul and I am a slave of Jesus Christ.

We Have Examples

What’s more effective for the Kingdom, patting ourselves and our friends on the back or the requisite recognition due a slave? The Word says we are either slaves to sin or slaves to righteousness – Romans 6:15-23. Maybe this is why we are instructed not to think more highly of ourselves than we should – Romans 12:3.

Faith Ahead - Road sign

Faith Faltered? See previous post here

Paul was comfortable knowing that apart from Christ he could do nothing – John 15:5. And living with that realization is what the Lord requires: Knowing Who He is and walking humbly with Him – Micah 6:8. So we have to ask ourselves: Are we comfortable thinking of ourselves as slaves? Slaves didn’t get to have opinions or rights. Why? We are not our own but we are bought with a price – I Corinthians 6:19-20. So a slave’s purpose is to do the will of the master. And we serve One Who is in fact Master of all. That has never been in doubt. The only question is, Have I gotten comfortable being a slave?

One last thought: If the Church is a gathering of those owned by Christ, what place does recognition have in a company of slaves? Think about it!

Soli Deo Gloria!


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