All I Want…Beds & Dreams

by | Dec 18, 2019 | Blog Page | 0 comments

Beds For Boys

All I Want…Beds & Dreams

Beds For BoysBeds are something we can do. But the dreams… Don’t worry; dreams tend to take care of themselves! So who needs beds? And can anyone really add that to a Christmas list? We can do it. Now, here’s why I’m suggesting this for our giving lists! And there’s a related item or two just for good measure…

Beds For Boys

Beds For BoysWhen I was in the Manos Amigas Orphanage last month, Jodie alerted me to a current need. You guessed it. There are some beds that need to be replaced.
The pictures show us beds that have seen better days. These beds were put in the orphanage when we completed its construction. And the need for replacement is an easy observation to make. But it’s not as big a challenge as it might appear!
Beds For BoysWe can get new beds for about $200.00 (U.S.). Most folks would find it challenging to add that much money to the giving list. So how do we address the issue? Let’s get…

Outside The Box

Things like this are much easier if groups handle them. Why is that true and which groups could do this? Groups allow many people to share a burden or obligation. That makes things easier for each individual. And groups that could handle this are ones like:

  • Bible Study groups
  • Sunday School class
  • Civic group
  • A workplace prayer group
  • You can think of others

Those groups, and ones like them, are great places for people to work together. So please share this need with groups like the ones above. But I think there is a better group. And you might be surprised to know why this group could be the best one to help supply beds for boys.
Beds For BoysIt’s good to be a hilarious giver. It’s even better to teach others to do the same. So how can all of us do both of those things?  Think in terms of the family group. And I am thinking of the big family gathering, not just the family that lives behind your front door. My family is a good example.
There are six households that can combine for our family gatherings. That gathering would include all 8 grandchildren. Now, what if I shared Beds For Boys with my family? I’d suggest that each household contribute one sixth of the $200.00. Now, imagine the scene as the family gathers around the Christmas tree…

Another Object Lesson

Beds For BoysLessons are always easier if they are seen rather than simply heard! Our family distributes gifts and we open them in turn so we can all see what everyone else has received. So who would open those 6 Beds For Boys envelopes? I’d probably give one to each of the six youngest grandchildren. When the envelopes were opened we’d talk about the orphanage, the boys, Jodie, Pastor Pedro, and why it’s important for us to include this need in our giving. And I’m fairly certain that moment would be remembered. There it is! My group choice is so we can meet a need and be faithful to teach the next generation!
That’s my challenge. And I am certain you can probably improve on my spur-of-the-moment illustration. It’s not too late to send out a family email or text. Give everyone a link to this post. Divide it how you will and include Beds For Boys as you imitate your Father this Christmas! (Ephesians 5:1)

Soli Deo Gloria! 

P.S. – If you take up the challenge, make the check(s) payable to EquipUs and send to:

  • Keith Burnett Ministries
  • PO 803
  • Scottsboro, AL 35768


Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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