by Keith Burnett | Dec 1, 2022 | Blog Page |
Smiles are good! And I don’t think anybody can see this little guy (cover collage) and not have a really big smile. So let me tell you about Josiah and some other very important items! Smiles YOU Made Possible Your donations – and those of our friends at...
by Keith Burnett | Apr 28, 2020 | Uncategorized |
The orphanage continues to be a vital ministry. And I am glad to know so many of you continue to support it. Most of you shifted your monthly contributions to Foster Street Wesleyan. But several have continued to donate funds locally even as we transitioned into...
by Keith Burnett | Aug 31, 2016 | Uncategorized |
Regular readers know about our ministry to orphans. This post is an urgent request for two kinds of help. And the bottom line is, everyone can help with one need or the other. Some will be able to engage on both fronts. So let me start with James. Orphans & James...