Smiles are good! And I don’t think anybody can see this little guy (cover collage) and not have a really big smile. So let me tell you about Josiah and some other very important items!
Smiles YOU Made Possible
![Jodie with a big smile](
Jodie received new computer
Your donations – and those of our friends at Reclaimed For Good (Unclaimed Baggage) – allowed us to supply ministry partners with some new computers. Many of you know Jodie is the Orphanage Director in Barahona. He’s doing a great job with the boys. And he would be the first to let you know he is always in need of prayer. In addition to that, we always try to help meet other needs. This time it was a new tablet computer. And obviously, Josiah got in on the presenation!
That was also the case in Belize. Our October team got to license churches and pastors for ministry. We did that under a new organizational designation by the Belize government.
Our ministry partner in Bella Vista is pastor Camilio. Like Jodie, pastor Camilio has appeared in previous posts. We saw a big smile from him after we gave him a new tablet computer. But his smile came after a look of shock and surprise. That part made me smile!
![Franklin translating](
Franklin translating for Stan in Dom. Rep.
Colombia, South America is one week away! Our first pastor training school sessions are set for Dec. 9-10. Please remember this effort in your prayer. We are sending our Dominican friend, Franklin, down to work on site. He will host the sessions in person and translate as I teach via Zoom.
These plans have caused quite a few happy faces!. This work is coming straight off the bottom line. So, if you’d like to have a bigger part in this particular effort, please consider a year-end donation. And rest assured, you will hear about these sessions after they are concluded.
![EquipUs cap](
Josiah with Jodie’s EquipUs cap
Joyful Participation
Thinking back over this year of ministry makes me recall many smiles on many faces. Thank you for those! You had a part in every single one. And the big effort for December is to make sure we can bring joy to others in 2023. I can’t wait to see the joy on the faces of mission volunteers, the tears that come as needs are met, and the satisfaction that wells up from knowing we have served our Father well.
We have mission teams scheduled to go out. And those teams will be working to raise project funds to meet needs in many places. New opportunites will arise and some will get rescheduled:
MISSION UPDATE: Dom. Republic date change! From March to late April.
With a new mission opportunity ahead in Colombia, December will be even busier than normal. Every effort will be made to make sure we hit the ground running as the new year begins.
Please pray. Please contribute if you can. And know that our efforts touch lives in many ways.
Soli Deo Gloria!