A Helping Hand: Adopt An Orphan

A Helping Hand is responsible for the Manos Amigas Orphanage in Barahona, Dominican Republic. It exists because many people like you gave a helping hand to build it. And now we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many orphan boys. But the...

Thanksgiving Day Challenge

Thanksgiving Day reminds us to be thankful. But what is at the top of your list? Many good things can be there. And I want to challenge you to think a little differently about the things that go at the top of your I am thankful for… list. Ready? Thanksgiving Day...

Orphans, James & You

Regular readers know about our ministry to orphans. This post is an urgent request for two kinds of help. And the bottom line is, everyone can help with one need or the other. Some will be able to engage on both fronts. So let me start with James. Orphans & James...

Website And Prayer

Can a website be a prayer concern? In this case, yes! Website Issues If you read this blog regularly you probably already know we have been having some issues accessing the site. If my information is correct, the public side of the site has almost always been...