by Keith Burnett | Dec 20, 2018 | Blog Page, Christmas, How to Study, Study, Study Material |
The message is in the details! This series began with a reminder of the Trivial Pursuit game. And we’ve begun to unpack the huge lessons in what may seem like the trivial details of Scripture. Another example I won’t deal with here is the shortest verse in the Bible....
by Keith Burnett | Dec 18, 2018 | How to Study, Study |
The manger of Christmas… It’s an awesome revelation. But like many things in Scripture, we have heard it and read it until we no longer have a sense of awe much less any curiosity. That’s unfortunate. And this series of posts is my attempt to give you two...
by Keith Burnett | Nov 19, 2018 | Study |
Blessed by God! What is your reaction? My friend Mike always says, I’m blessed, doing better than I deserve. If we believe that, then the cover image should be just the beginning of our reaction when God says we are: Blessed! So it might just make your day to...
by Keith Burnett | Nov 18, 2018 | Study |
Foreword to: Image Is Everything The teaching and equipping work we do is a huge blessing in many ways. One of those is all the study necessary to put teaching materials together. Those thoughts and ideas are developed and shared with many people, in many places, and...