by Keith Burnett | Apr 21, 2020 | Blog Page |
Grace is a captivating study. It has been the subject of several recent teaching sessions and I just don’t seem to be able to let it go. So, here’s a question: Who is most qualified to tell us about grace? The ‘Sunday School’ answer would be:...
by Keith Burnett | Mar 29, 2020 | Blog Page, Sermons |
Encouragement – It’s God’s command. And there are many things in the world right now might find discouraging. And worse yet, it seems there are folks who want us to be discouraged. But you know outside circumstances should never be the determining...
by Keith Burnett | Sep 21, 2018 | Christians and Culture, Marriage |
Life Lessons: What Does the Bible Actually Say? This is a constant necessity: Learn what the Word really says, and not what other people say it says. Confused? Don’t be. Many people want to tell us what the Bible says, or what they think it should say, about...