by Keith Burnett | May 16, 2022 | Life Lessons |
Those who know Your name put their trust in You! (Psalms 9:10) This Life Lessons post flows from that incredible truth. It is ample reason to spend some time learning God’s names. But there are others. If you are enlightened, encouraged, or equipped by my...
by Keith Burnett | Feb 15, 2022 | Life Lessons, Missions |
There are two sets of 10 Commandments in the Bible! Seriously. You’ll remember the ones that start with Thou shalt or Thou shalt not and maybe Cecil B. Demille’s reverberating ‘G-a-w-d’ voice. Regular readers may also remember we have taught...
by Keith Burnett | Dec 14, 2021 | Faith |
Why is Faith Difficult? Tackling this will require us to use two broad categories: Faith in Others Faith in God Faith in others is difficult because we have all been disappointed by someone. This truth was the subject of a humorous political cartoon I saw today. The...
by Keith Burnett | Jan 6, 2021 | Equipping, EquipUS, Faith |
What is this old saying about your cake? It’s an example of ‘wise sayings,’ cultural ‘proverbs,’ and/or sage advice. These pearls of wisdom summarize our life experiences. We’ve all tried to hang to both sides of an argument. We...
by Keith Burnett | Jan 5, 2021 | Equipping, EquipUS, Faith |
This is about implications. Think of it in terms of action and reaction. Or, consider what we believe and don’t believe. A simple question sets up the discussion: Have you thought through the implications of your beliefs? Implications Of Belief A post on the...