by Keith Burnett | Feb 7, 2022 | Backyard Lessons, Faith |
I’ve learned so much from Backyard Lessons. My wife does her creative, green-thumb-thing and I often see the lessons in it. This installment is really a follow-up to Church: Pretender’s Playground. Why? Because there are too many people in the Church who...
by Keith Burnett | Jan 13, 2022 | Faith, Prayer |
Think about this: Prayer is God’s idea! That’s a no-brainer, right? Now consider the following: God is Sovereign over all that is, was, or will be There is nothing God does not know He knows our thoughts before we think them He knows the motives behind our...
by Keith Burnett | Jan 11, 2022 | Faith, Grace |
Grace Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected – Jonathan Edwards In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul speaks of our light afflictions as we minister for the Lord. Even though ministry is difficult, it’s God’s grace that allows us to...
by Keith Burnett | Dec 14, 2021 | Faith |
Why is Faith Difficult? Tackling this will require us to use two broad categories: Faith in Others Faith in God Faith in others is difficult because we have all been disappointed by someone. This truth was the subject of a humorous political cartoon I saw today. The...
by Keith Burnett | Aug 13, 2021 | Faith, Family, Marriage |
Stones Of Remembrance What’s the connection between Anniversary and Mission? What do the following terms have in common: Anniversary Memorial Celebrate/Celebration Commemorate Monument Jubilee The point in each of them is remembrance. And remembrance is one of...
by Keith Burnett | Mar 6, 2021 | Christians and Culture, Faith |
Is it difficult to find joy in today’s world? The evident evil in world events could easily be seen as an obstacle to joy. But is that true? Since there has always been evil in the world, how have previous generations of believers found joy? How do you find it?...