Unlocking 2017: Perfect Prayer-2

What life-changing events drive us to prayer? There are many answers. But each of us can recall those things that were beyond our control. And in them we turned to the One Who always has control. That is also true of Psalm 90, which I am calling the Perfect Prayer for...

Facebook Live: An Invitation

Can you actually benefit from Facebook Live? I hope so. We are going to find out! Your invitation and explanation is below. I hope you will accept! Facebook Live: An Invitation It was two weeks ago when someone suggested I give Facebook Live a try. Like many of you...

Faith: Simpler Than We Make It

Vibrant faith is necessary for daily living. It’s also a necessity for ministry. And faith is a subject we often overthink! Two critical examples are found in Acts 2. So please go with me to see simple steps to faithful living and effective ministry. Faith: Hear...

Gold Beyond The Medals

Did you see the U. S. men’s swim team win gold? There are things I am positive you did not see. Those things are worth much more than the fleeting fame of Olympic gold medals. What were those unseen things and what should we learn from them? Gold: No Griping Or...