Can you actually benefit from Facebook Live? I hope so. We are going to find out! Your invitation and explanation is below. I hope you will accept!
Facebook Live: An Invitation
It was two weeks ago when someone suggested I give Facebook Live a try. Like many of you who use Facebook, I knew video streaming had been added to their services. And to be honest, that was extent of of my thinking on the matter. But that conversation piqued by curiosity. The question it brought to mind was:
Could the Live connection help us serve you more effectively?
Answering The Questions You Ask
Sometimes we are informing churches, mission supporters, and seekers about the mission work we do. People need to know what is happening on the ground as mission teams work. We also have to inform people of mission needs. That would be things like:
- Points for prayer
- Orphan support
- Collecting mission supplies (medical, sports, etc.)
- Reporting on answered prayer
And the balance of time invested here goes to devotional thoughts and challenges for all believers. And that’s where Facebook Live may be helpful.
I believe there is a missing factor in these devotional posts. It’s necessary to help others build their faith and better understand Biblical missions
and evangelism
. Some posts help apply Biblical principles to everyday life. And there are always those observations of current affairs that teach us something (if we see with spiritual eyes!).
Many of you share your thoughts and thanks for the help you find in these posts. I am grateful for that and humbled by it. But another element would make it better for everyone.
Heres the missing part: What are your questions about Scripture? What points would you like help understanding or applying? Please don’t take this to mean that I believe I know all the answers. I don’t. But I do know how to find answers. And as I often tell church congregations, I was educated way beyond my intelligence! 🙂 So I am happy to help if possible. And if I can’t find an answer, then I have friends. 🙂 And the answer may lie in opening a discussion. After all, the Apostle Paul was confident that believers had the ability to teach each other.
So here’s what will happen. I am going to offer this invitation tomorrow on Facebook Live. Look for the post about 1:oo p.m. Anyone who sees it can respond to it. They can ask any question(s) they wish. YOU can help. Even if you don’t have a question or a suggested topic for a post, please add your comments to the Facebook Live discussion. That will encourage others. (It will encourage me!)