by Keith Burnett | May 16, 2019 | Missions |
Paul’s call to courage started with an instruction to Timothy: Fan the flame (of God’s gift within you). And that was the subject our first look into what I called a Timothy Talk. Successful communication tells us what, why, and how. Paul’s call to...
by Keith Burnett | May 14, 2019 | Missions |
The Apostle Paul’s call to courage was given to Timothy – and preserved for us! His call was prompted by fear and anxiety. So no matter how much things change, it seems they stay the same. People still struggle with fears and anxieties. And that makes...
by Keith Burnett | Jul 11, 2018 | Blog Page, Life Lessons, Ministry |
Finding Peace in a Chaotic World The Bible instructs us to be anxious for nothing but in all things to pray and give thanks. How are you doing with that? You may be having a problem because: Our nation has fallen off the deep end of the immoral abyss Society is fast...
by Keith Burnett | Jan 8, 2018 | Blog Page, Evangelism, Ministry |
I have gift for you! And yes, it’s late. But promises made must be kept – even in the computer age! A Gift: And Apology I honestly believed this gift would be available to you last week. Evidence is in Treasure To Triumph: Required ‘T’ Keys....