Do you get excited when you share fantastic news? If that news is about the incredible things done by our Heavenly Father then we should all be excited! And there is news to share. My mindset in writing is that of the psalmist in Psalm 107:32 –
Let them exalt Him in the assembly of the people and praise Him in the council of the elders.
Believers have the privilege of delcaring His praise before Him and HIs people! So, here we go…
Fantastic Provision
Missing But Fixable was published August 31. It is linked here along with its cover image. I thought about citing much of that piece in order to write this one. But I’ll just encourage you to click the link and confirm what was said. Additionally, two previous posts are linked at the end of Missing But Fixable. The idea was to do everything possible so people would know how to pray.
I had someone tell me this week that they were praying for the Lord to enlarge my borders. That is a reference to the prayer of Jabez (I Chronicles 4:10). As we have more and more opportunities placed before us, it looks like that prayer is being answered. But there are the ‘missing’ pieces, those parts of God’s provision that He has not let us see (yet). Some of those things were:
- Well and water purification system for La Romana (est. $25K)
- Mission volunteers needing funding
- Resources to move forward in Colombia
I am sharing on Friday. But on Monday of this week, I didn’t know any of what you are about to learn!
Our Fantastic Father

Missing Pieces?
A church has committed several dollars for the water purification system. Still, over half of the project was ‘missing’ on Monday. By Wednesday, we had everything we needed for the system. That by itself is an amazing answer to prayer. Now, the ‘missing’ pieces are the volunteers who will go to La Romana in January and get that system up and running. There’s time – please keep praying.
Last night, we had a virtual get-together with our Belize team. I shared some of this with them as a way to encourage them in their prayers. And what I said to them last night was that we had about half of the funds needed to help the mission voluneteers I had mentiond in previous posts.

Ask BIG! Post LINK
This morning, as I was driving to our Men’s Prayer Breakfast, I got a phone call. The caller asked if the mission volunteers had everything they needed. The purpose of the call was to find out how much was needed and to let me know the balance would be covered. And that brought Luke 6:38 to my mind. God gives to us:
…pressed down, shaken together and running over…
Now, let me make this just a little more fantastic. Not only does He save us, call us, gift us, equip us, and give to us as noted in Luke 6, He rewards us for our service!!! Our Father is truly amazing.
Incredible Things To Come
I am so glad to report these provisions because they came in answer to your prayers. That is awesome and I am so thankful for all who keep mission matters in their prayers. That’s how we are able to do the things we get to do for the Kingdom.
You may have noticed that there is no answer to share regarding Colombia (yet). But this week’s answers encourage me to believe that I will get to share a similar post about Colombia. When? I don’t know. But I can assure everyone that I will be excited to declare the praises of our Father!
Soli Deo Gloria!