I Like Simple

by | Aug 18, 2020 | Blog Page | 2 comments

Christians are citizens of a realm we have yet to see with our own eyes. Yet, citizens of any realm have responsibilities. Our responsibilities are listed in Scripture and at times may seem overwhelming. However, I like simple! I can handle that. Would you like life’s decision making to be simpler?

I Like Simple – Doesn’t Mean Easy

Ministry Update

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I Corinthians 10:31 gives us a simple mission (purpose) that encompasses the whole of our lives. What we say, do, and think is to bring glory to God. Our lives are to be consumed with bringing One Person one thing: Glory. That’s simple but it isn’t easy. Knowing that our lives are to be lived for His glory is the simple part. Actually making life all about Him is the challenge!

What empowers us to achieve our simple mission? Living for His glory, like all the the other commands, should be driven by our passionate love for Jesus. And that points to another simple idea: A Greatest Commandment. When we love Him totally, we want to see Him honored, worshiped, adored, served, known, and exalted.

Paul’s instruction to let everything we do bring glory to God is in keeping with Jesus’ words in Matthew 5 –

Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (emphasis mine) 

I find it insightful, and often irresistible, to verbalize what the Scripture does not say.I like simple - audience of one In this case, it didn’t tell us to do something we often see:

So whine before men that they see your self-righteousness and glorify you on the earth and in the church.

No! Life’s decision making process is as simple as answering a single question, Does this glorify God? If the answer is positive, then Git ‘er done! If not, move on. Once again, easier to say than to practice.

Simple: An Audience of One!  

Now that’s really simple. And did I mention I like simple? It’s also easier to write about having a passion for God’s glory than it is to order life around that mission. But how can we make obedience easier to achieve?

The answer doesn’t lie in working harder or striving longer. It lies in loving Him more deeply. Genuine love must be expressed.  We inevitably express appreciation and admiration for the passions of our lives. I like simple - See Psalm 19But our passions move us far beyond appreciation or admiration. We will work ourselves into the ground for our life’s passions. So let me ask:

How meaningless is our appreciation, admiration and work if our life’s passion is anything less than Him?

Think about it. You might become of big fan of I like simple!

Soli Deo Gloria!

PS – My personal mission is also simply stated: Equip believers for the work of the ministry. That is God’s simple job description for all pastors. And that is why EquipUs is all about Equipping For Life. You can engage with us through prayer, volunteering, and financial support. And those things are a simple as doing them. And support couldn’t be easier that letting Amazon do your Amazon Smile linkdonating for you. Really!

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  1. Wayne

    Do you like simple?

    • Keith Burnett

      I do, as you can see from the post. Apparently you do too. I am glad!


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