Definitions Matter!

Definitions Matter!

Life’s Lessons Were Really Taught in Grade School Church would be much more effective and fun if we applied childhood disciplines! What are those? It is apparent very few students encounter the subject of spelling. But I recall writing those spelling lesson...
Going To: Church Or Worship?

Going To: Church Or Worship?

Isn’t worship synonymous with church? Why ask such an odd question? First, clarity in our thinking and definitions leads to greater usefulness in God’s Kingdom. Second, answering such questions is a matter of obedience. Really? Yes! Romans 12:1-2 says we...
Definitions Determine Destiny

Definitions Determine Destiny

Definitions Determine Destiny: Focusing Life & Short-Term Missions The title is true for YOU, your family, the Church, and short-term missions. How can all those things possibly be related? Significance and success in any of these arenas will be determined by...