What is the truth?
Do you remember the movie, A Few Good Men? If so, you will recall that very famous line delivered by Jack Nicholson’s character:
You can’t handle the truth!
It’s one thing to make that statement in a movie. It’s another thing altogether when/if the modern church cannot handle the truth. And I don’t mean a denomination. I mean today’s Christians. There are plenty of reasons for making that statement. That’s the bad news. But the good news is, there is good news! However, the good news is not:
- Easy
- Comfortable
- Predictable
Not easy
The condition of our society indicates the Church (that’s all us Christians!) must be avoiding the truth. Sin has many labels. Just pick one. Whichever one you pick, we have it in epidemic proportions! More about that later.
Not comfortable
The point above is enough to prove truth isn’t comfortable. But the fix for the problem is the pinnacle of being uncomfortable. We won’t like going there, but go there we must if we want to see things change.
Truth: Our Need Isn’t Predictable
Predictability is one reason we can’t handle the truth. We want everything in our lives to be predictable and controllable. Well, the very uncomfortable solution for all that ails our culture won’t be either of those things.
So what is needed to get us more comfortable with Divine reality? I could spell it out for you, but there is an added benefit if we look backwards to get the answer. Why? A 6 year old interview accurately identifies our need. It existed then. But the answer obviouly wasn’t realized and so the need is even greater today than it was just that short time ago.
Click this LINK to see an interview with Dr. Tony Evans. His comments are insightful regarding our need impotenzastop.it.