Hezekiah – A Study In Character

Hezekiah – A Study In Character

Hezekiah means: God Strengthens. It’s noteworthy that the kind of life Hezekiah lived seems to be how the name got its meaning. That’s not alwyas the case. That’s what makes Hezekiah a study in character! A story is told about Alexander the Great meeting a...
I Am: Washed, Sent, A NOBODY!

I Am: Washed, Sent, A NOBODY!

Want to be a nobody? Are you convinced you are a nobody? Does that belief cause heartache? Is it ever great to be a nobody? Life Lessons are effectively taught by some amazing, anonymous people. Just think of them as Professor Nobody! Washed & Sent In John 9,...

What Have You Got to Lose?

Everyone knows you can learn a great deal about a person by who their friends are.  We can also know you can learn a lot about someone by who their enemies are.  At our house, we often dispensed those words of wisdom (and instruction) to our children, “Be...

Cyrus, Churchill, & Trump?

How could the name Trump possibly go with those other two? Before you scroll on, let me give you some other names and some food for serious thought. Surprising and Unlikely David was thought so ‘out of bounds’ by his family that they left him in the field...