A Bible And Glasses; Amazing Teamwork

A Bible And Glasses; Amazing Teamwork

Can God use a Bible and glasses to bring glory to Himself. Absolutely! It’s all in the video – along with a few other important things. If you’d rather read it, see the slightly edited transcript following the video. A Bible And Glasses; Amazing...
Give Us This Day

Give Us This Day

Give us this day our daily bread. But what if you are giving the daily bread rather than asking for it? In part, this post is my Thank You for donig such a great job. But even the most sincere word of gratitude can contain a challenge for all of us! Seeing Your...
Treasure: How To Build It

Treasure: How To Build It

Treasure is something most people would like to have in abundance. And accumulating treasure can be easy or difficult. It’s your choice. Surprisingly, most people pursue the difficult treasure while overlooking the easy stuff. Where most go astray is the nature...
Seeing What We Believe

Seeing What We Believe

You know the old saying: Seeing is believing. I would counter with this: Believing can be seen! So, this gallery post is about visible evidence of faith. And it’s hard to see faith in action without being thankful. Seeing What We Believe The cover image shows me...