Please Pray For Everyone In My Country

by | Mar 26, 2020 | Blog Page | 4 comments

Please pray! We hear those two words many times. And sometimes, that familiarity causes us to miss the urgency that is so often wrapped up in this simple request. Two things have come my way that underscore the urgency of praying. I am certain you will agree. And here’s an alert. I will close by asking you to PLEASE leave a comment. You will want to do that and the reason will be very clear.

Please Pray – Request From Dominican Republic

In the past two weeks I have had many conversations with ministry partners in many places. Several of the most recent ones led to postponing our inaugural mission to Orange Walk, Belize. In fact, we were supposed to be there today (Thursday). Let’s just say: All of us are having to adjust. So please pray for our efforts that are already underway to reschedule our Orange Walk mission.

please prayOther chats have revealed many things. Most of them have touched on prayer. This one request is representative of several recent conversations. And for that reason, the sender will remain anonymous. But if I revealed the name, many of our mission volunteers would immediately recognize it! So this request comes to you from one friend and represents other friends:

I would like you to pray for everyone in my country (Dom. Republic) and worldwide as well. Specifically, pray for those who have to go out to bring food for their families, for people who don’t depend on a monthly salary. Pray for God to soften the politicians hearts so they will be in solidarity with the people who can’t afford enough for themselves. Pray for God to provide food no matter which source it might be: neighbor, politicians, or a friend…whoever. God’s provision will keep people from going out to risk their lives seeking food. Pray for God to cover us with His grace and His Holy Spirit through this hard time we are facing.

God Never Changes

I recall several things our Father is still capable of doing. A short list of His great provision would include:

  • please prayCommanding ravens to feed His preacher
  • Manna in the desert
  • Flour and oil that didn’t run out
  • Water flowed from a rock
  • A boy’s lunch fed a multitude

So God can provide for people in the D. R. – and their situation is much more difficult than ours. And always remember, it’s impossible for us to do more than pray until we pray. That would be a good reminder as we pray for our own families and those around us.

Please Pray For Faithful Men

My second item underscores a foundational principle of our pastor training school. It’s found in II Timothy 2:2 —

Entrust the Gospel to faithful men who will in turn entrust it to others.

This provides needed accountability for the time and resources so many of you invest in this ministry. And what follows will show we are investing in faithful men. It is a blessing to know them, teach them, help them, and work beside them. Many are dear friends. And that’s how I view the Dominican pastor who expressed his faith to the Corona Virus:

You made the world afraid. You achieved isolation and the churches closed. But you forgot something. The first churches were in the houses and it was the families united that raised the cry. You forgot that a family in prayer is not easily defeated. And the more you press, the more prayers there are. You forgot that we have a God more powerful than you. And you forgot that the real children will resist you on your knees until the last, until you step back. In my house and in my country you will not take control. On our knees we are brave so let us pray even stronger. The battle we’re going to win!

It speaks for itself. The words challenge us and they put difficulties in perspective. But these two items remind us that ministry and prayer are two way streets. I am happy to honor the first request to Please Pray. And in light of the second piece, I am humbled to say: Thank you, my brother. Please pray for us, too! 

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Soli Deo Gloria!

Will you pray? Do you need prayer? PLEASE leave a comment – they will be seen!

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  1. Stanley Bramlett

    I am humbled, and at the same time encouraged. It is from such a basis that I am thinking that God is laying the groundwork for a worldwide revival in the near future. Pray that God will send out the laborers to reap the harvest that is ready for harvesting.

    • Keith

      Thanks, Stan. Good thoughts.

  2. Linda McCain

    Prayers for the D.R.and all involved in the ministering of Gods Word. God is at work.

    • Keith

      Thank you, Linda. Keep praying!


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