Gift Cards, Soul Food & Clay Pots

by | Dec 20, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

soul food

Gift Cards, Soul Food & Clay Pots

Soul Food was the focus of our latest Giving Matters post. But there is another twist to my presentation of Soul Food. And it will probably be helpful if you take a quick peek at the previous post in the Giving Matters section of the website. If you haven’t seen that entire series of posts, please take a look at them as well. For now, let’s connect this seemingly odd assortment of items…

Your Giving List

This is the season of giving and getting. And my recent writing efforts have been to remind us of our likeness to our Father when we give joyfully. But the receiving part of this season is also a reality. So what will we do with the things we receive?Beds For Boys
Yesterday’s news included a story that some very popular items were already sold out. That included things from places like Apple and Amazon. That’s pretty amazing all by itself. And that report included info on some enterprising (?) folks who had bought up those items earlier in the Fall and were now getting a premium price for them on Ebay. The ‘what do I get’ mentality is alive and well! And this is where Soul Food comes in.
Many people will get a gift card or two for Christmas. My question is this: What will you acquire with one if you get it? And you just know I have a helpful suggestion!

Soul Food

The Giving Matters post was about giving Soul Food. This suggestion is about getting some…and why that’s a good idea!
That Giving Matters post was a ‘soul food’ resource list. The suggested resources were tried-and-true, classic writings to build the soul. Feeding the soul is what keeps disciples going. And here is a valuable, fun, creative resource to add to the suggestions in the Giving Matters post.soul food

The Screwtape Letters

This is another classic by C. S. Lewis. I love the creativity in his writings. And if you like satire, then The Screwtape Letters is your serving of valuable Soul Food. Lewis paints a picture of human life & trials through the letters of a senior demon named Screwtape. And Screwtape’s letters are intended help his nephew, Wormwood, become a faithful follower of ‘Our Father Below.’ Uncle Screwtape is passing his experience along to his nephew. But the letters are also meant to help Wormwood with his current task: secure the damnation of an ordinary young man. So the work is engaging, enlightening, humorous and deadly serious. It’s good food for the soul! And this annotated edition includes some marginal notes by Lewis.

Soul Food – WHY?

soul foodTwo Scriptural ideas come to mind. First, Matthew 29:19-20 tells us we are to make disciples of all men. When we see that our focus is usually on making disciples of them, whoever they may happen to be. But I am a disciple. And it takes work to make me a better one. So I should be intentional in helping myself and others become better disciples.
The second Scripture reminds me of a great deal of good food that I taken from earthenware dishes like the one in the picture. That bowl is a finished, clay pot. And you know where I am going with this.
In 2 Corinthians 4:7, Paul uses the ‘earthen vessel’ metaphor to describe followers of Our Father Above (like that?). In short, we are clay pots. But that’s not the focus. Paul’s intent is to remind us Who and what we carry. That’s the Person of Jesus Christ and His good news that reconciliation between God and Man is possible.

Gift Card Investingsoul food

It should now be clear why I would urge any believer to use at least one gift card to invest in some reliable soul food. And I can’t leave this discussion without reminding everyone that we are works in progress. God will use works like The Screwtape Letters (and those in the other post) to continue to shape each of us. To that end, I say…

Soli Deo Gloria! 

P.S – Jeremiah 18:2 relates to the thoughts above. And a well-known song text by Darlene Zschech also comes to mind:

Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Savior I know for sure, all of my days are held in Your hands, crafted into You perfect plan

You gently call me into your presence guiding me by Your Holy Spirit, Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through Your eyes

I’m captured by Your holy calling, Set me apart, I know You’re drawing me to Yourself, Lead me Lord I pray
soul food
Take me, Mold me, use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter’s hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter’s hand



Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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