Equipping For Life – Using New Website

by | Jun 4, 2019 | Blog Page, Missions | 0 comments

Equipping For Life: it’s what advertisers call a tagline. You will recognize many taglines. A short reminder list would include:

  • Coca Cola: the real thing.
  • Dollar Shave Club: Shave time, shave money (I’m a member – good service!).
  • Lay’s: Betcha can’t eat just one.
  • DeBeer’s: A diamond is forever.
  • M&Ms: Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

But for you, me, and everyone who claims the name of Christ, Equipping For Life is much more than a tagline. It is what we are called and commissioned to do. That divine calling is why this ministry, and this new website, is put together around the equipping theme. And since there were delays in getting the new site up and running, this is a re-post about how to use the new site. BUT…there is new info here as well. Please check out the entire post. Thanks!

Equipping For Life: Equip.Us Blog

Equipping For LifeThis post addressed the blog’s location in the new website. And even though the complete blog list is not on the opening page, a good deal of it is there. How much of it can be viewed will depend on whether or not the viewer is a browsing guest or a website member. But the full membership discussion is for a later post.

Blog posts on the front page are arranged around eight categories I call life-missions. What God has commanded us to do is our mission. So, how many missions do we have? There are many. I addressed this briefly at the close of the previous post. Here, I’ll address these life-missions more completely. If you have questions, or comments, please feel free to share those below or send an email.

Equipping For Life – The Life-Missions

The first graphic is a link to posts/teaching on the Church. This is a life-mission shared by all believers. Why? We are members of the body of Christ, which He named His Church. He is the Head of the body. Scripture has a great deal to say about what the Church is, how it is to function, and what it is meant to accomplish. The problem is we all think we know all that stuff. Let me tell you why I disagree and what we will do about that through the new website.

Equipping For LifeIt is my privilege to do some fun but challenging things. I get to study and research course materials to equip pastors and churches. That is possible because people participate with me in this Equipping For Life ministry. They do that through direct support, volunteering, and prayer.

One course we worked through is what I entitled, The Essential Nature of the Church. What made it so challenging was my methodology in putting it together. The goal was to define and describe the Church without reference to tradition, culture, denomination, or expectation.

If you try that, you will see it is anything but easy. You’d be surprised how often we bring our traditions and/or culture to bear in defining a Biblical concept. So posts linked to this section help equip readers/supporters as effective members of the body of Christ.

Discipleship Mission

Every believer is a disciple. The Holy Spirit’s job is to conform each of us into the image of Christ. And since that task won’t be complete until we see Him face to face (it’s then we will be fully like Him), our discipleship-mission is never over. We don’t graduate from discipleship school – well… not as long as we are breathing! So this body of posts would apply to any and all.

God-First Living

Equipping for LifeJesus had a way of distilling Scriptural truth into memorable, simple ways to live. He gave us two great commandments. We know to love God first and foremost with all of our being, And we know to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Jesus also commissioned us to represent Him and His Kingdom in this world. We are to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that He has commanded us. Wow! That sounds a lot like equipping for life. O wait! That’s what all of us are supposed to do.

And that is why your help in this ministry is so essential. I am not the only equipper. We, together, are equipping others. Please keep that in mind. Posts in this section will provide practical insights and application regarding Jesus’ two great commands and His commission.

The Marriage Mission

This body of posts will help equip believers who are married. Marriage is God’s idea and His Word addresses the subject. And this mission serves to illustrate the fact that Christians have missions in common but we also have missions we don’t share with others. Some people are single. They might be single again, widowed, or divorced. But the posts can still apply to all. Marriage could be part of the future for ourselves or our loved ones. And it’s much more likely to be a great marriage if we are properly equipped.

Equipping For Life

Equipping For LifeThree words denote a monumental calling. The site address (E-quip.Us) reduces it to seven letters! And no matter how one views it, the work cannot be done by one or two people. So joining hands is necessary. You’ll see many things on these pages about Helping Hands because that what we are and that’s what it takes to equip many for the Kingdom. So, before you log off, please check out the membership page and become a helping hand! We can’t do this without YOU!

Closing Word…

There are four other sections of posts on the front page. We will address those subjects in the future posts. Please let us hear from you if you have comments or questions.

Soli Deo Gloria! 


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