Accomplishing The Impossible

by | Jul 18, 2018 | Blog Page | 0 comments

impossibleWhat does dirt have to do with accomplishing the impossible? Dirt has many limitations. If you cut yourself, would you cover the wound with dirt? That’s not likely. Cleaning the wound and applying antibacterial creams are highly recommended. But what if dirt could actually heal? Has that ever happened? And if it has, what should we learn from it? The answers may surprise you. And I hope this little object lesson blesses you!

The Impossible HAS Happened

Something impossible is recorded for us in John 9. And like all of God’s Word, the events are multifaceted and teach us on many levels. One lesson from John 9 appeared in I Am: Washed, Sent, a NOBODY! But what can we learn from Jesus’ method of healing? Everyone around Him knew it was impossible to heal a person born blind (congenital disorder). And what physician would attempt such an impossible healing by applying mud to the eyes? Pardon the pun, but don’t be blind to the message of His method!
What message? Every detail of Scripture is important. And in almost every Biblical narrative there is a person with whom the reader should identify. We can put ourselves in a cave with Elijah if we are honest. All of us have been at the end our rope! And in John 9 we easily identify with the blind man. We were all born spiritually blind. And all of us need to have Jesus open our spiritual eyes. But have you identified with the mud? You can and you should!

The Impossible STILL Happens!

How are we like that mud? We also have many limitations. Is the power of healing part of our nature? But that’s the negative side. What positives do you see in the dirt Jesus used?
impossibleJesus chose the medium and the method. The dirt had no ability or power of its own. But that bit of dirt had availability. It was available to the Great Physician. And that makes all the difference. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37).
Have I damaged your ego? Are you uncomfortable identifying with an insignificant amount of worthless dirt? Well, let me challenge you with a deep theological statement: Get over it! (insert smile here!) On the other side is a HUGE blessing and encouraging truth.

You & The Dirt: Doing The Impossible!

Here’s why I can mess with you and say, Get over it! It wasn’t my idea to call us dirt. It was God Who formed us from the dirt He made. And His purpose is to do great things with His dirt. Don’t think so?
You may have read 2 Corinthians. If so, you ran across this line:

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves…

An earthen vessel? That’s a clay pot. What is a clay pot? Dirt! But the pot isn’t the treasure. The pot contains the treasure. And that is the Good News of the Gospel which we proclaim to a blind, dying world. It isn’t possible for us to change the lost and dying. But the Savior, our Treasure, can. That’s how it was in John 9. The mud had no power of its own to heal. It carried the power of the Great Physician and His power did the impossible healing.
We only need to look at mud on blinded eyes to know that our Father can use the most unlikely things (you and me!) to do the wondrous, miraculous, and impossible. But what if you keep forgetting that? Maybe it’s been a while since you pondered His marvelous works and what He can do with, and through, those who are available to Him. I have good news! And I’ll leave this little object lesson with a favorite verse from Psalm 103:14 –

For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust.

Let me paraphrase: God remembers our weakness and that He made us of dirt. He doesn’t expect for you to be able to do what only He can do. He just asks us to be humble, obedient, and available. Our Father knows our weaknesses. That’s not in question. But, do we remember the surpassing power of His greatness? In Him, even dirt can accomplish impossible things. The Rx for a blind world really is available dirt. Think about it!

Soli Deo Gloria! 


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