Is It Good?

by | Feb 15, 2022 | Life Lessons, Missions | 2 comments

There are two sets of 10 Commandments in the Bible! Seriously. You’ll remember the ones that start with Thou shalt or Thou shalt not and maybe Cecil B. Demille’s reverberating ‘G-a-w-d’ voice. Regular readers may also remember we have taught Genesis in sessions of the EquipUs Pastor Training School. And how are these things connected?

Are The Ten Commandments Good?

God saidGenesis 1 contains 10 commandments of God. They are not THE 10 commandments, but they are God’s FIRST 10 commandments. Funny thing is, every time God said it was done. He gave 10 commandments that weren’t broken. They never will be broken. ONE of them is the command for living things to reproduce ‘after their kind.’ This unbroken commandment is why you’ve never seen (and never will) a pig give birth to a litter of kittens. Evolutionists need to study this one!

After God commanded the ground to bring forth plants, each after its kind, He said, It is good. Nothing in God’s Word is accidental or mistaken. Why does His It is good not appear until Genesis 1:12? A likely reason is something Christians desperately need to imitate.

What was the pinnacle of God’s creation? Man. Before there was land and plant life, Man could not have survived on the earth. It is good was connected to God’s purpose. The Earth needed to be habitable by God’s ultimate creation.

Are Good Men Good?

Eath in space - It is goodWhat is His purpose in the world today? Man. Specifically, it’s redeeming rebels and turning them into worshipers. How does He do that? Through you and me and other Christians, i.e., the Church. Do the people God wants to redeem find the Church habitable? Do we look remotely appealing to them? (No, I’m not suggesting compromise. Far from it!)

We say It is good, but is it? Does who we are, and what we say, match our God-given mission and purpose? There is a solution! God’s first 10 commandments have never been broken and His ‘official’ 10 Commandments have never been kept (except by Jesus). See the problem? If you do, you can see a solution! Think about it!

Soli Deo Gloria!


Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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  1. Jason Terry

    neat comparison and I do see the problem! thanks for the thought provoking start to the day!

    • Keith Burnett

      Thanks Jason! This Genesis study prep has proved even more beneficial than I expected it to be. Looking forward to teaching it. Wish you were going to be there. Maybe you could finish up a 3 man start team for Honduras?


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