The title generates questions about the 20/20 Commission Challenge. It’s about more than one thing. First, I hope it turns out to be a fun way to engage with friends and missions. And this post will answer the W questions:
- What
- When
- Where
- Why
20/20 Commission Challenge: Where
Let’s start with that. The Commission Challenge is a social media event. It will soon be posted on the Keith Burnett Ministries Facebook page as a Facebook event. That page will link back here so people can see all the necessary info. And it may help if I remind you of a another challenge event that took place in 2016.
Did you see Facebook posts about the 2016 ALS Challenge? You are safe!!! I am NOT going to ask anyone to dump ice water on themselves! BUT…we do have a productive activity for friends and supporters. And like the ALS challenge, friends can then challenge their friends to complete the 20/20 Commission Challenge. Completions are done via Facebook Live and posted on the event page (see Keith Burnett Ministries FACEBOOK page). When a person posts their completion video they tag at least three friends in that post. That is how others are challenged to enter. And it would help if people promoted this post by sharing it on Facebook or other social media outlets.
The event dates are February 18 – March 4. Challenges need to be completed in that time period. The Why section will help explain the need to get this done in the next couple of weeks.
Did you know there are FIVE settings of the Great Commission in the New Testament. Most folks only think in terms of Matthew 28:19-20. But Jesus’ commission to His first disciples, and to us, began on resurrection evening. John 20:21 is the record of His first post-resurrection words to that group of disciples: As the Father sent Me, so send I you. It took the other four ‘commissions’ to even begin to unpack the first one.
So the “Commission” part of the 20/20 Commission Challenge is to quote all five settings of Jesus’ commission to His Church. They are listed at the end of this post. And the Why section will address the 20/20 aspect.
There are multiple reasons. Think in terms of witness. Imagine hundreds or thousands of people quoting Scripture on social media? Only God knows how He might use that. And it could be significant.
Ministry requires resources. And that is where the 20/20 part comes in. It’s good for people to complete a challenge to fund disease research. But it’s even better to complete a challenge that helps spread the Good News of eternal life! So each challenge participant contributes ‘at least’ $20 to fund the mission projects below. They then challenge their friends to complete the Commission Challenge who also contribute ‘at least’ $20 to fund these needs.
The HUGE benefit of social media is mass numbers. There are only a few people who could or would fund all the ministry needs before us. But almost anyone can afford $20. Even college students have agreed to participate! And just think about getting several hundred people to complete the Challenge. Together we can do something that very few of us could do alone. And the needs we can meet are very real.
Challenge donations can be made online or with a check. And donations are tax deductible. For those who prefer to write a check:
- Make check payable to Rivers of the World (ROW)
- Send to Keith Burnett Ministries @
- P.O. 803, Scottsboro, AL 35768
To donate online, the donate tab on this website is one option. To donate directly through ROW’s website just CLICK HERE. **Important** At the bottom of the donation form is an optional box for COMMENTS. That is where you tell us your contribution is for a specific item. Type the following in that box: Evangelism – Keith Burnett Ministries.
Other info below my sign-off! Thanks for being a helping hand. We can’t do what we do without you.
Soli Deo Gloria!
The 20/20 Commission Challenge – Verses
John 20:21
So Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.
Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Mark 16:15
And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.
Luke 24:46-48
Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.
Acts 1:8
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.
20/20 Commission Challenge: Mission Needs
Please remember to PRAY. As promised, here is a short list of items on our mission calendar that need funding:
- Mission construction needs in Belize – April 2017
- Pastors’ School graduation in Belize – April 2017
- Pastor Training Schools in Dominican Republic
- Sponsorship for Pastors – Enabling U. S. pastors to be part of our mission teaching teams.
- In-country pastor sponsorship – Equipping pastors we teach and/or supplying parts of their ministry.
- Orphanage needs in Dominican Republic
- Tools for Pastors – Everything from study tools to transportation. We have some pastors who need motorcycles in order to better serve their communities. This is primarily in the Dom. Republic. This is an unfunded need from last year. Reliable scooters can be bought for amounts between $750 – $1,600.
It will take over 100 people completing the Challenge to cover the first two items. SO PLEASE, take up the Challenge and spread this out to several states and many, many churches. We will use the Challenge to fund as much of this list as possible. The opportunity is there…if we are willing to seize it ONE Challenge at a time!