Pastor Appreciation Helps

by | Oct 4, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Pastor Appreciation

Pastor Appreciation Helps

Many churches observe Pastor Appreciation Month in October. And whether or not your congregation officially participates, I know people often want to express their appreciation to those who faithfully serve the Lord and His Church.
This month-long remembrance has blessed our family in many ways. We are always encouraged by kind words of appreciation. We have seen different congregations celebrate this month in a variety of ways. The varied ways of remembrance are expressions of each congregation’s make up and outlook.

Pastor Appreciation & Mission Shopping

So however you choose to engage, what follows are some gift ideas for your consideration. If this suprises you then you might want to read a recent post: Mission Shopping. What you’ll learn is how your online shopping allows you to be a good steward of your God-given resouces. But it also outlines the added benefit of supporting this ministry at no cost to you. That’s a situation where everyone comes out ahead!
Pastor AppreciationAnd what if you’ve never heard of pastor appreciation? It’s very likely you have expressed gratitude to those who minister to you and your family. It’s a bit like Thanksgiving Day. Should we be grateful to the Lord every day? Absolutely. But Thanksgiving Day reminds us and focuses our attention. Thanking God’s servants is much the same. However you do it, with or without gifts, just let it be an honest expression of your heart. Encouraging one another is not only commanded, it makes difficult work much easier to do!

Soli Deo Gloria! 

In light of the month, you will find other ideas on this site in coming days. Amazon Prime will help you save even more money!
As part of Pastor Appreciation, I have received many books over the years. Each is a reminder of its giver. Like many gifts I have received, books serve as reminders for me to pray for the person who gave them to me. Here are couple of ideas for your consideration:
The Missional Leader – excellent resource for any pastor –
Exploring the Bible Commentary Series – John Phillips. Books from this series have been on my Christmas list for the past few years. I usually find one or two under the tree (my request!) It was our privilege to know Dr. Phillips. He was a delightful servant and gifted writer.

What if your Bible Study group or Sunday School class wants to pitch in for little bigger idea? I have a suggestion. It’s only good for Do-It-Yourself pastors! Many of our mission team volunteers are DIY people. We have taken this same tool pack on mission! I got this Makita tool pack as a gift from family. I love it. It’s powerful, lightweight, and the batteries charge quickly! A great item for the DIY guy or gal.


Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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