This EquipUs resource on faith is free until the end of the day tomorrow (May 31). And I am going to share two more things with you. Then I’ll ask you to do one thing. Here we go!
EquipUs – Faith Resource
This e-book is an early example of the things that will populate the EquipUs Store. This link, or the one in the navigation menu at the top of the page, will take you there. And just for the record, the ‘correct’ way to type the name is E-quip.Us because that is actually an internet address. I use the abbreviated form because it sums up this ministry in seven letters! Equipping For Life is what we do and YOU (ministry members) make that possible. But, we use the E-quip.Us form as the address for the learning platform. That is another ministry tool that will be steadily growing as we get more and more resources out of production and available to you.
A few months back – when we thought the new website was ready ‘any day now’ – i started looking through the library of website posts. It was a little overwhelming. My task was to edit posts regarding tags and categories. I won’t bore you further.
There is a huge amount of material that has been put together over the last 8 years. Some is on the website. But an even larger amount of material has been written apart from the website and/or blog. And that fact caused me to question the best use of that material.
EquipUs – Stewardship
Ministry members make this work possible. And there is an element of stewardship in everything we do. So it didn’t seem a good idea for all this work to just sit idly by. But what to do with it?
It seems like an easy path to re-use previous material. In one sense, that’s true. But appearances can be deceptive! As I began to go through the posts and other materials, I found myself ‘fixing’ things I had previously written. Then I was adding material. Going back over previous works showed some growth in style and ability. I remember thinking things like: Why didn’t I say that in a better way? You get the idea.
So, resources like this Life Lessons – Faith e-book are an outgrowth of that exercise. IF one read the blog closely over the years and IF their memory was exceptional then some of these thoughts would seem repetitious. But that’s not all bad because repetition is a good teacher. However, even though this e-book is put together from the Life Lessons series, the material has been reworked and updated. So I hope you’ll find it helpful and insightful. The download is FREE until tomorrow.
We are currently using this e-resource as a promotional piece to engage new subscribers. Hold on to that thought.
EquipUs – June 2019
Our featured resource for June is God, By Any Other Name. And as the subtitle suggests, a greater knowledge of our Father helps us build a greater trust. I hope you’ll check this out next week. No link here, but there will be in posts next week!
Doing One Thing (2?)
Isn’t that how it goes when the preacher says, And in closing… He’s still got 10 minutes to go! Downloading the Life Lessons – Faith e-book doesn’t count. That’s what the post is for: to make this resource available to you while it’s free.
The first thing after that is to ask you to share this post on your social media platforms. The book can be a genuine help to those who read it. But it can also help by engaging others to join hands with us in this ministry. So sharing it is very important, extremely helpful, and vitally necessary. Will you do that?
So having met my limit of ONE request, I’ll just say it is highly encouraging and informative when I hear from readers. They learn things, I learn things, and we all benefit. And no matter the response, it’s encouraging to hear from folks. But I didn’t ask!!!
Soli Deo Gloria!