Be Anxious For Nothing

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Belize, Mission Volunteer, Missions | 0 comments

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7
Anxious for nothing

Haley and team on the road!

This was my first mission trip, and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. But I knew in my heart that I was supposed to go. I still remember the day Keith came to our church and spoke about EquipUs and the mission opportunities. I literally got chills as God spoke to me. This mission was for me. You see, I was on my own mission figuring out how my spiritual gifts could be used to serve God…this was it!

Anxious Anticipation

I went to the first official meeting to get the mission trip details. It was exciting to see some members from our church that I knew. But then I began to overthink everything and all of the what ifs started creeping in. That included questions about the money and time off etc. Our enemy is always going to push harder right before God uses us for powerful ministry impact. So I pursued the mission opportunity despite my anxious fears. And it was THE BEST DECISION. In fact, it was life changing!Anxious crew - job done

On Sunday, our first official full day in Belize, we had our morning meeting and prayer. This is where I learned the power of targeted prayer versus general prayer. We were asked to share our own prayer requests with the group. I listened to our entire group and there were so many of us with the same fears and insecurities. Keith spoke to us about viewing prayer like a sniper rifle versus a shotgun. We had shared some very specific requests and then we prayed very specifically for each other. And that continued throughout our entire mission week.

Anxiety Relief

Subscribe hereI was part of the Bella Vista Village Crew. Our daily drive was just over an hour each way and it was a great time for all of us to get to know each other on a deeper level. The bonds that were made and strengthened during our week together were a gift from God. We got to talk about our similarities, beliefs and anxieties. Keith has a meeting every day/night where he would ask very intentional questions and we would discuss them as a big group.

Friends all smilesGod will provide you with everything you need in order to do His work. That reality began with our church’s fundraising efforts for scholarships and supplies. And we saw it continue throughout the entire Mission.

At the very beginning of our trip, we had a last second gate change that pur our connecting flight directly across the terminal from our departure gate! That guaranteed we would be on time for our departure to Belize. But things like that continued:

  • People donated 13 female hygiene kits – our village had 13 families in need
  • We didn’t know we’d need a Spanish speaking VBS teacher – one was on our team
  • The final 2 cinder blocks needed to finish the latrine were found!
  • The list of God’s endless little “miracles” could go on. Remember:
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive. – Matthew 21:22

Anxious VBS crewThe mission is the people, not the task. You see, I am one who loves people, but I also like to complete tasks…perfectly. I do not like to make mistakes and may have been called an ‘overachiever’ a few times in my life. This trip helped me put so much into perspective.

Fun Work – No Worries!

I got to spend the majority of my time in Bella Vista with the women and children of the village. It was an honor to witness the UNITY amongst the villagers. All the women came together at the Pastor’s home to help prepare the meals for the Pastors in training as well as for the construction crew. We got to help prepare the meals and we also got to play with the children.

Haley with children

Our little friends

On the morning of day two, we were walking on the muddy road by the church. We had to walk because it was so muddy we couldn’t drive through. Up the road, we saw a few of the children running down the road to greet us. They were very excited. When they reached us, they said:

Miss Haley, we stayed home from school so we could hang out with you!!!

My heart just melted. We also got to go teach 2,000 village school kids VBS. To be welcomed into the classrooms was so amazing as it’s a rarity at home. The relationships that were developed in Belize left a huge imprint on my life. And now, any anxious thoughts I had are just fading memories.

Donation Link

Donation link for Helping Hands!

I had a hard time leaving on our last day. We were there to help make their lives better, but they did more for me than I can ever return.

Haley Major – EquipUs Mission Volunteer

And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

[Keith’s P.S. – It has been a joy to share these mission experiences. And there are more to come! As I read Haley’s comments, it seemed to me that she did a great job laying out Paul’s thoughts to the Philippians. So I put some of Paul’s epistle at the top and bottom!]  


Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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