Mission Success: Who And What Does It Take?

by | Jun 6, 2019 | Blog Page, Missions | 0 comments

Mission Success – what does it take? Which mission has the highest chance of success? A general and accurate answer is: The mission that is fully equipped. With that thought in mind, let me  keep a promise and share some opportunities. Several of you have asked. So here we go…

Equipping The Mission: #1 Need Today

Our entire subscriber list will get this post in an email link. However, a sizable discrepancy exists between the number of people on the mailing list and the number who have actually set up their memberships on the site.

June is Launch Month – at least that is how we are treating it. Most of this month’s posts will be open, meaning anyone may view them regardless of subscriber or membership status. But open membership will close at the end of the month. That will change how much of the site may be viewed by visitors. So the real important thing is to click THIS LINK and subscribe to the SITE (if you have not already done that). An even more helpful suggestion is to become a Member. Details are in THE LINK.

Mission Equipping: Pastor Sponsorships 

Becoming a supporting member provides the opportunity to make a membership available to a pastor. Doing that makes all the equipping resources on this site available to a pastor. If you look in the E-quip.Us Store, you’ll see resources we have added in the last few days. More are in production and will be available soon. Members get substantial discounts on ministry support resources and those discounts are passed on to sponsored pastors as well.

I know it’s easy to think of sponsoring a pastor in the same way we think of sponsoring an orphan. We may get to the position of one-on-one sponsorships. But at the moment, we do not have the staff, time or resources to make this a true one-on-one arrangement. So this is how it is already being done. I am actively engaging with pastors and promoting the resources developed within this ministry. All of that is being made available to any pastor who subscribes.

That means it’s a matter of faith that we will find the sponsors necessary to keep this going. Please help with this. It’s ministry model we use the Pastor Training School and it’s based on 2 Timothy 2:2. If we can engage and equip enough of our nation’s equippers (pastors) then it becomes a great tool of multiplication for the Kingdom. You and I are not simply equipping one pastor. We are an essential part of that pastor’s equipping ministry in the local church. That’s multiplication, and I can’t do it by myself.

Practical Equipping

Here is a short list of things we need at the moment. And that is followed by the necessary info for making it happen.

Study Bibles for Pastors – we get them for about $45.00 ea. So if you’d like to provide one, please send $50.00 to cover all the costs (getting them in country is part of that!)

Graduation Ceremony – We have our annual graduation coming up in November. It takes about $100.00 per graduate for robes, reception, transportation, pictures, etc. We are expecting about 18 graduates (give or take depending on course completions). If you’d like to sponsor a graduate, see the instructions below.

Summer Missionaries – We have a couple of outstanding young men who will be engage in extended missions this summer. If you’d like to help them with their ventures and expenses, see the instructions below.

Generator In Belize – Pastor Juan has need of a generator. Part of that need  has been funded. What we lack is $700.00. You may want to give that idea to your Bible Study group and make a team project out of it. If two or three folks do that, we can finish this up very quickly. And the need is urgent.

Fall Mission Team: Construction – Our November team is forming. We need more mission volunteers. The project in view is the continued construction of the church at Villa Progresso.

Info Below…

Send check(s) to Keith Burnett Ministries, PO 803, Scottsboro, AL – 35768

Questions, use the Get In Touch box on the front page of the website OR put your question in the Comments Section below this post.

Soli Deo Gloria!




Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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