Mission Report

by | Jun 2, 2016 | Missions | 0 comments


Barahona Orphanage

Jodie and Boys – Barahona Orphanage

We have had a good week. Every mission needs good communication. And while we have had no trouble communicating with each other, communication with home has been a challenge. So, the following will bring you up to date and let you know all is well with us.

Mission Report – Orphanage

Communication has been hampered by the storms and rain. More about later.
The work at the orphanage has gone well. Today’s job was to paint, but the rain and humidity prevented that. We have purchased supplies, labored, paid for others to labor.  Things are almost ready for Jodie and his family to move in. Plumbing fixtures still have to be set and some wiring put in place. But none of that will take a huge amount of time.

 Mission Report – Pastors School

We will have our final session with the pastors this evening. The morning class section wrapped up just after lunch. The assessment we do with the pastors was very positive. I will be sharing some of that news next week. Our evening section of classes has been just as positive as the day section. To share that means I must express my thanks to all of you who make this ministry possible. Yes, I am here with a team but many folks at home are responsible for the work. Thank You! We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Mission Report – Communication

For those who have not been here, let’s just say the power grid here is not what it is at home. That isn’t usually a problem. This week we have had an unusual amount of rain. It has stormed every night. Water is no friend to electrical connections! Consequently, our access for communication has not been real reliable.
The country routinely uses rolling brown-outs to manage power usage. When we returned from teaching today, I tried to access the internet. I could not. The power was on, but we had no internet signal. Then, when I saw the wifi signal indicator on my computer light up, I quickly tried to get a message home. Before I could get that done, the power went down (again!). With the power goes the router, etc., etc. To say the least, it’s been a little frustrating.
I do extend my sincere apologies that we have not been able to keep people at home as up-to-date as we would like. We still have pictures we want to share with you and hope to get those up this evening.
We will still be in need of your prayers as we return home. All of us have had a good week, but we are also ready to be home. Thanks for reading, and please tune in later for more updates.

Soli Deo Gloria! 



Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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