Ministry Opportunity – Mission With A Short Fuse!

by | Feb 3, 2018 | Prayer | 0 comments

Originally 10/31/18 – Our next mission team leaves in just 10 days. And there is more than one opportunity for you as this team prepares for our mission. I’ll start with Pastor Ramon. He asked friends to communicate with me prior to our arrival. In response to that, I promised to make our U.S. friends aware of what has happened. So here goes…


Ramon – after the accident

Two words in the news I received alarmed me: motorcycle accident. And bad news seemed more ominous with two more words: Pastor Ramon. Those who have been with us in Barahona know the traffic scene. And all of us are amazed that the number of accidents isn’t higher than it is.

Ramon was one of our original host pastors for the Pastor Training School. He has worked hard to complete classes, engage other pastors, assist us in many ways, and he has graduated twice. And you are probably aware from previous posts that I have invited Ramon to be part of our teaching faculty.

News of his accident was accompanied by two pictures which I have shared here. It seems his injuries were likely sustained by putting his hands and arms out to break his fall. So he is already getting better. But that motorcycle is another story. That motorcycle was to him what your family car is to you. It enabled him to work, minister to his congregation, visit the hospital, get family groceries, and all the rest.


The motorcycle

I sent word back to Ramon that I would make every effort to replace his motorcycle. We can do that in Barahona for $600-$700. That won’t be a new cycle, but I don’t think the wrecked one is repairable for that amount of money. The particulars are the end of this post.

The Prayer Mission

Prayer for the mission team is already happening. In light of this post, we need to add Ramon to our prayers. I know you will do that. Even so, I’d love to see some replies (comments below or emails) I could share with Ramon when we see him. And, Yes!, he will be teaching with us during November.

How To Help

Ministry needs truly are opportunities for us to act in Jesus’ name. And I don’t expect any individual to fully fund this need. But it wouldn’t be too much to think 12-14 people could each contribute $50. The problem is, there isn’t much time. November 9 would be the last possible day for funds to arrive in the mail.

  • Keith Burnett Ministries, PO 803, Scottsboro, AL 35768

That’s the way to participate. Questions? Comment below, send an email, or you can use messenger on the Keith Burnett Ministries Facebook page.

Soli Deo Gloria! 

The cover photo – We took that picture this past Spring. It’s on the building site of Ramon’s family home. We have 2019 mission teams that will be helping with this project. So please keep Ramon and family in your prayers.


Questions or comments? Connect with Keith via email.

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