Do You Know How to Spot a Leader?

by | Aug 15, 2023 | Blog Page | 0 comments

Imagine a small crowd of people standing before you. Your task is to pick the leader(s) God will use. In the crowd are two heads of state, one chairman of the joint chiefs, a cadre of executive assistants, secretaries, ‘go fers’, waiters, waitresses, an orphan girl, and one pastor. Which one is the leader God will choose?

God’s Unlikely Leader

Leaders serve

Leaders are identifiable!

It really is possible to know the answer because that is the cast of characters was in 2 Kings 5. There was the King of Syria, King of Israel, Syria’s national military commander, all their servants, a captive Israeli girl, and Elisha. Why were they there?

You know the story of Naaman. His king acted like a leader and he would have been an obvious choice as a leader. He sought to meet Naaman’s needs by sending Naaman to Israel. That is a key attribute of God’s leaders: serving others. Naaman’s king knew he couldn’t heal leprosy, but what about the man of God in Israel?

The unlikely leader God chose was the orphan girl. She had been captured and forced to serve Naaman’s family. Despite her circumstance, she exhibited courage and faith. Even though she was a slave, she took her role seriously and looked out for Naaman’s best interest. God’s leaders have bold faith in Him. They use their current circumstances to serve Him.

Recognizing A Leader

Leadership - follow the LordLeaders seek the good of others. And that idea is more than saying, Follow me. Godly leaders point others to believing God and following Him. How do they do it? They say, Follow God with me! We don’t see or hear that often enough.

In contrast, the King of Israel had a leadership position but didn’t lead. When he heard Naaman had been sent to him, he had a meltdown. Rather than believe God could meet the need of the moment, he assumed nothing could be done (no faith!). Because of that, he believed the King of Syria was trying to pick a fight with Israel.

The adult leader in Israel was Elisha. He told his king not to worry and to let Naaman come. Elisha believed God (faith!) would do mighty things and everyone would know ‘there is a God in Israel.’

Faith To Act

Leadership tilesNaaman was indignant at the Lord’s instructions through Elisha. Leadership was provided by his servants. They reminded him of his mission and encouraged him to be faithful to the Lord’s instructions. That’s another thing God’s leaders do. To his credit, Naaman listened and obeyed. Dare I say it? He admitted he was wrong! God’s leaders do that, too (see Psalm 51 for one example).

What are EquipUs mission volunteers? They are leaders! Why? Because they do the things I’ve mentioned above. You see, God really does use the unexpected and/or foolish to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). God can use you to be one of His leaders; serving Him and pointing others to follow Him. Just take a lesson from an orphan girl!

Soli Deo Gloria! 

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