It takes a team! Each of us doing a small part enables big things to happen through EquipUs. Together, we are living out Paul’s instructions to the Ephesians to build up the body of Christ. That is the best and highest use of all our gifts, resources, talents and abilities! Thank you for helping drive this team.
Teams Reach Further And Accomplish More
Together, we can achieve things none of us could do alone. This summer is going to be very busy! At the end of June, we will get to graduate a class from the Pastor Training School in Samana, Dom. Republic. Many of you have had a part in making this possible. And there is still time to share a need for that mission with your church or Bible study group. We try to give the pastors a new study Bible at graduation. That takes right at $50.00/copy. If your group would like to help with this, please let us know!
NEWS On Colombia
July is our month set for Colombia. This is a brand-new work and I am looking forward to being there. Alfredo will be in-country about a week ahead of me and will remain one week longer. The purpose for that is to assist the Colombian Baptists with mobilization training for new missionaries. This is just one more example of laboring together for the Kingdom. And please remember, these efforts need your prayers.
Some of you may have another opportunity to have a part in the future of ministry in Colombia. Maybe God is prompting you to help offset our travel costs. We are going regardless. Thankfully, we can make that commitment because of the many gifts people have made over the last several months. But we have many other things on the calendar and using our on-hand resources wisely is always on my mind.
So, if you’d like to help with this initial mission to Colombia, please feel free. If you have questions about it, I am always glad to hear from anyone via text, email or a phone call.
Teamwork In La Romana
August will see our next return to La Romana. Please pray for the team that goes – it will not include me! That’s a first, but it’s necessary. I am grateful to have very capable people alongside who can do a great job. That fact is due to your continued prayers and God’s goodness in sending people into His field to draw people to Himself from every nation, tribe and tongue.
The Home Team
Finally, this is our first public announcement about a new project. You’ll be seeing more on the Home Team Project. For now, just know it’s out there, please pray as we develop it, and keep an eye out for email. Don’t get EquipUs email? Go HERE to solve that problem!
Thanks again, and do not grow weary in doing good!