by Keith Burnett | Jan 1, 2024 | Blog Page |
What is your prayer for this year? I hope you already have an answer to that question. But let me expand your thinking just a bit. Do you remember God’s offer to Solomon in I Kings 3? If God gave you the same opportunity to ask for anything that came to your...
by Keith Burnett | Mar 23, 2022 | Prayer |
The Prayer Love Makes When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, we know Jesus’ response as The Lord’s Prayer. Were they looking for a ‘formula’ in order to get prayer ‘right’ every time? Probably. Do we do the same...
by Keith Burnett | Apr 20, 2020 | Blog Page |
How does one successfully prioritize? Many things are necessary and many things are good. But choosing best over good (setting a priority!) can easily be seen in the marriage relationship. Men, do you love your wife because she is who/what she is or do you love what...
by Keith Burnett | Nov 21, 2018 | Church, The Church |
Isn’t worship synonymous with church? Why ask such an odd question? First, clarity in our thinking and definitions leads to greater usefulness in God’s Kingdom. Second, answering such questions is a matter of obedience. Really? Yes! Romans 12:1-2 says we...
by Keith Burnett | Jan 10, 2017 | Uncategorized |
The previous Perfect Prayer post closed this way: Who was disobedient and refused to follow God in faith? It wasn’t Moses. So why is Moses the one praying for divine mercy? There are many reasons for Moses’ prayer. Three of them will help us on our 2017...