Servants: God’s Great Blessings

Servants: God’s Great Blessings

Who comes to mind when you think of God’s servants? Our thoughts might immediately go to names like Moses, King David or the Apostle Paul. But what about modern-day servants? That’s who this post is about. I want to do three things here: Share a Biblical...


How many things are disposable? Is money one of them? Just look at the items in the picture! There are several disposable items including: Packaging Diapers Containers Sacks/bags And much more Being Disposable And then there is the matter of disposable income. We all...

Mission Prayers: Encouragement!

Mission prayers don’t come in big brown envelopes. Right? Wrong! The envelope above contained some blessings for me. I hope the contents will bless you as well! Mission Prayers: Everyone Can Pray I received that envelope this morning. Our Bible study had just...