by Keith Burnett | Nov 30, 2018 | Prayer |
For Want Of A Nail is a famous proverb. It’s point (pardon the pun) is overlooking small things can have very large consequences. And that’s true for many aspects of life. So why are we so prone to utter the same line as the nail in my picture? And what...
by Keith Burnett | Sep 21, 2018 | Christians and Culture, Marriage |
Life Lessons: What Does the Bible Actually Say? This is a constant necessity: Learn what the Word really says, and not what other people say it says. Confused? Don’t be. Many people want to tell us what the Bible says, or what they think it should say, about...
by Keith Burnett | Dec 12, 2016 | Uncategorized |
There are 5 conversations that will determine our success and effectiveness in life. So we need to identify those conversations, get better at having them, and have them often. Part 1 examined two chats with the person in the mirror. If those weren’t challenging...