Pride – Like a Beard

Pride – Like a Beard

I was on my way to a series of meetings. The first was a working lunch to prepare some mission volunteers for an upcoming mission. The next item on my agenda was speaking with a pastor to discuss how we could get his congregation plugged into some of our mission...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! This is truly a time for celebration. And John 1:14 is a great place to begin: The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And that was the fulfillment of the word spoken to Isaiah: You shall call His name Emmanuel (God with us) Think about that. With...

Weakness Works

Weakness is not something most people like to admit. What do you do with weakness? Deny it Cover it up Compensate Do these actions erase our weakness? No. Insanity is doing the same thing again but expecting a different result. What if I told you there is an effective...