by Keith Burnett | Sep 5, 2023 | Blog Page |
I was on my way to a series of meetings. The first was a working lunch to prepare some mission volunteers for an upcoming mission. The next item on my agenda was speaking with a pastor to discuss how we could get his congregation plugged into some of our mission...
by Keith Burnett | May 21, 2020 | Blog Page |
What prayer does God want to answer? Short answer: the one He wants you to pray! I know – it sounds like political double speak! But a clear, unmistakable truth is at the heart of the statement. And that truth connects us to the people pictured in this post....
by Keith Burnett | Mar 24, 2020 | Blog Page |
Success in God’s Kingdom can be as simple as asking and receiving. In fact, it’s very often that simple! Why? Because that is our Father’s heart.He delights to give good gifts to His children. But why did He make it work that way? Success For...
by Keith Burnett | Jun 3, 2019 | Missions |
I know, prayer is not as simple as my title suggests. Or is it? In some ways it is. Yet the simplicity God shows us is sometimes challenging. So why bring it up? Prayer: A Necessity Scripture tells us (see James 4:2-3; Matthew 7:7): You have not because you ask not....