Leader Loves – What They Tell Us

Leader Loves – What They Tell Us

What does a leader love? The answer will tell you a great deal about the leader. Jesus said it this way, Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Jesus was referencing heavenly treasure vs. earthly treasure. But the principle applies in a broad way....
Colombia – Prayers Answered And Needed

Colombia – Prayers Answered And Needed

Our exploratory step into Colombia was successful! And that is due to the faithful prayers offered by so many of you. But this is only the beginning of the need for Divine wisdom and guidance. So, let me tell you how things went and why prayer is still greatly needed...

His Name: 3 Keys to Peace

Why are there so many names of God? Let me answer with a question: Why do we carry multiple keys? Have you ever been unable to get in your car or your house? Why did that happen? You forgot your keys! Well, house keys and car keys aren’t the only keys we can...

Adversity: How To Advance

Adversity. We all experience it. But what do we do about it? We can throw in the towel, throw up our hands, throw a fit, or advance. Advancing is the correct choice. But how is that done? Adversity: Recent Example The cover picture represents a current bout with...