Treasure: How To Build It

Treasure: How To Build It

Treasure is something most people would like to have in abundance. And accumulating treasure can be easy or difficult. It’s your choice. Surprisingly, most people pursue the difficult treasure while overlooking the easy stuff. Where most go astray is the nature...

Prayer: Practicing His Presence

In various speaking engagements I am asked what we teach in EquipUs Pastor Training School. We have taught a course on spiritual formations. One of the topics in that course is the discipline of prayer. What follows is adapted from the syllabus we used. Many thanks to...

Speaker or Communicator?

A Lesson by the Master Communicator Is that me? No. But the story and the principles for communicating it are amazing! You are aware of a famous message given by the Master Communicator. How that message was communicated is almost as instructive as the message itself....