Building: Without Hands, Help Needed!

Building: Without Hands, Help Needed!

Help Needed! How does building, no hands, and help needed go together? Help Needed gets posted on a marquee or a storefront window to attract job applicants. But helping with no hands? What’s that about? It’s not as big a puzzle as it might seem! And these...

Blessed: If You Only Knew!

Blessed by God! What is your reaction? My friend Mike always says, I’m blessed, doing better than I deserve. If we believe that, then the cover image should be just the beginning of our reaction when God says we are: Blessed! So it might just make your day to...
If LOVE Made a Difference

If LOVE Made a Difference

Our next Mission: Hope team will be leaving for the Dominican Republic in just a few days. As you support us in your prayers, and as the team labors on site, the writing of Paul is a fitting reminder to us all. The ‘famous’ part of Philippians 2 begins in...

Transformers! Repurposing the Fallen

Transformers: The Last Knight is the latest release in the Transformers movie franchise. This movie and many other things in our culture can serve to remind us who we are and why we are here. It just takes a little creative application! You’ve seen the movie...